RSS Colt Sort by title Sort by date of publication Most popular Show filter Title Date of publication from to Year of production Chassis code Mitsubishi Colt 1968 1200 ESTATE VAN I 01 31.07.2014 09:00 — JCG11 0 3831 Mitsubishi Colt 1965 1000 VAN I 01.06.2014 15:30 — JCG11 0 3687 Mitsubishi Colt 1963 600 1 01.06.2014 15:30 — JCG11 0 3506 Mitsubishi Colt 1965 1000 I 02 01.06.2014 15:30 — JCG11 0 2803 Mitsubishi Colt 1968 1200 ESTATE VAN I 31.07.2014 09:00 — JCG11 0 2525 Mitsubishi Colt 1968 1500 ESTATE VAN I 31.07.2014 09:00 — JCG11 0 2464 Mitsubishi Colt 1965 1000 I 01 01.06.2014 15:30 — JCG11 0 2415 Mitsubishi Colt 1968 ESTATE VAN I 31.07.2014 09:00 — JCG11 0 2402 Mitsubishi Colt 1965 1000 I 01.06.2014 15:30 — JCG11 0 2323 Mitsubishi Colt 1965 1500 I 01.06.2014 15:30 — JCG11 0 2298